The Friends of Mossgate PSFA (Parents, Staff & Friends Association) has been successful in raising money for the school and are always looking for new members - everyone connected with the school is welcome. The association’s aims are to foster relationships between the school and the community and work for the benefit of the children.
The PSFA organise social and fundraising events for the school in which everyone in the community is welcome to participate. During the summer term, they also organise a gardening club which grows plants and vegetables which they sell.
Organisational meetings are held roughly, every half term and all are welcome to attend and share ideas - look out for the dates on Facebook and in the newsletters. If you would like to become involved by attending meetings and organising, working with others to run a school event or volunteering time away from an event (organising prizes, tearing up raffle tickets or wrapping gifts) then please contact the school office.