Home-School Links, Communication & Payments
Home School Links
We believe that home and school must work together to ensure every child is happy at school and able to reach their full potential – ‘Working together to achieve success’. To achieve this, strong and effective communication is vital.
If you have any concerns, no matter how small, or there is something that you would like to discuss, do not hesitate to contact the school office to request a call or meeting with the relevant staff member. We welcome any contact with you and you will find staff very friendly and approachable. Often, small changes at home can have a huge impact in how your child behaves at school, so please let us know if there are any changes in family circumstances which may affect your child. If we know, we can take these issues into account when supporting and working with your child. We will contact you also if there are any concerns in school regarding behaviour or learning.
Anyone who is willing to share their skills or hobbies with the children, or even give some of their time to come in and help, will be very welcome. Please contact the Mr Smith or Mrs Booth if you would like to be involved in any way.
We use the free School Spider app, to send app messages, seek your views through surveys and also as a booking system for parents' evenings and for extra-curricular clubs. You will need a code from the school office to be able to access these services for your child.
We also send out regular newsletters, including a monthly online safety newsletter, which provide information about events, achievements, school systems and diary dates for the weeks ahead. Newsletters are sent through the School Spider app and a link is also posted on Facebook so parents can download these from our website. Paper copies are available from the school office.
Mossgate is a cashless school and we use Parent Pay so you can easily make online payments for school dinners, trips and other one-off items, for example Y6 Leavers’ Hoodie. By making the payment online, you also give parental consent for the trip, event or item. If you are unable to access Parent Pay, you can order a payment card from the school office and make payments at local stores.
Updated 28.11.22 RS