If you would like your child to start our Reception class in September, please contact the school office to arrange a personal tour, with your child, by contacting the school office - see 'Contacts'.
After you have visited and decided on your three choices, you must complete a Lancashire County Council application form, which can be found by clicking on this link: 'Apply for a primary school place'. (If you live in Lancashire, you must follow Lancashire County Council's application process, even if it’s linked to your child’s nursery, or your child's brother or sister is already at the school.)
Joining Mossgate at a different time of year
Whether moving into the area, or moving school due to a change of address or other reasons, the process to join Mossgate is managed by Lancashire County Council's local 'Pupil Access Team'. Please note that schools can no longer agree to admit pupils without the involvement of the local authority, however, parents may wish to contact us to ask if we have a place and to arrange a tour with the headteacher. You can call the Pupil Access Team on (01524) 581148 or email at:
The standard number for admissions at Mossgate is 30 children per class. The governors are committed to keeping class sizes at this level, as they believe this will enable the school to provide the best education for the children. If there are already 30 children in the class you wish your child to join, you will be told that there is no place currently available. If a child is refused a place, parents have the right of appeal and should contact the Lancaster Education Office for further details.
Updated 19.12.23 RS