The Arts

Please click on the sub-pages from 'The Arts' for specific information about Art & Design and Music. 


What does The Arts include?

The Arts at Mossgate encompasses: Art & Design; Music & Singing, Drama and Dance. In addition we include opportunities to write and use technology creatively across the curriculum.



What do we believe?

We believe that The Arts are so important because of the positive contribution they make to the quality of life for children & the unique opportunity offered by the arts for creative self-expression, where they can never “be wrong” and can fully take ownership of the process of learning and the outcomes of their work.

We believe that The Arts are so important because whilst they provide rich sensory learning in the Arts subject itself, they enhance and enrich learning in non-arts subjects, have the potential to reduce barriers to learning and support the development of language for thinking & explanation.

We believe that The Arts are so important because they provide uniquely powerful experiences; transporting children beyond the here and now; inspiring them to achieve highly and developing children’s self-confidence, well-being and appreciation of The Arts within the culturally diverse world we live in.

We believe that The Arts are so important because the world we live in is enhanced and enriched by The Arts in our everyday lives. We believe that all children should have the opportunity to explore and develop personal skills in these subjects, and that those with a special talent or interest should be identified and nurtured in order to develop their skills further and to support their future ambitions which may involve pursuing a career as a musician, artist, craftsperson, dancer, writer or film maker. Alternatively such support and nurturing may simply lead to an individual who benefits personally from a lifelong interest in The Arts.

Recently, we have been partnered with The Dukes Theatre, Lancaster in supporting the Student Associate Scheme. A student partner has worked with us running a Drama Club for Year 5 & 6 children.

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Mrs B Booth – The Arts Subject Leader