
Sustainability Lead and Climate Action Plan

Our Sustainability Lead is our Headteacher who works with a team of staff, pupils and partners to review our work and plan next steps to improve:

1. decarbonisation

2. adaptation and resilience

3. biodiversity

4. climate education and green careers


We are currently working with a number of partners to develop our Climate Action Plan. 

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Reward Schemes 

We are members of three schemes which recognise and reward our sustainability work:

1. Eco-Schools - we are currently working through their seven-step process with the aim to apply for their prestigious Green Flag award. 

2. RHS School Gardening - their five levels allow schools to celebrate the benefits that gardening brings, including supporting the environment and improving wellbeing.

3. Green Tree School - encourages outdoor learning and inspires pupils about trees, woods and wildlife. We currently have a bronze award and are now working towards silver.  

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Lancaster & District Conservation Volunteers 

We have an excellent relationship with the Lancaster & District Conservation Volunteers, a local conservation charity, who have supported us to increase the biodiversity across our school site. Projects have included: reinstating our pond, planting hedgerows and an orchard, extending our copse, building raise beds and creating wildflower meadows.

All of these projects not only improve the habitats for wildlife, but also allows our children to use our environment to deepen their learning about animals and plants throughout the seasons in a safe and accessible way.


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Rewilding Roots 

We also work closely with Alex from Rewilding Roots (formerly Where the Wildings Are) which aims to support schools in improving their grounds for wildlife and growing food. Alex has been supporting us Y3 to plant spring bulbs, Y1 with a bird survey, Y4 with habitat mapping and Y1 with fixed-point photography so they can track seasonal changes in our school grounds.


Recycling and Composting 

We currently recycle paper, batteries and ink cartridges at school. Every room has a blue bin for recycling and a red bin for general waste. We are currently looking at how we can increase the amount of fruit and vegetable waste we compost and have introduced refillable glue-sticks and whiteboard pens. 


Active Travel

We love to encourage active journeys to schools and currently take part in a number of themed weeks throughout the year. Knowing that we can do even more, we have signed-up to the WOW Active Travel programme, which is a fully funded year-long initiative to encourage and reward active journeys to school. There are just three simple steps to WOW:

1. Children are encouraged to travel actively to school and when they arrive, they log their journey on the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. 

2. If they walk, wheel, cycle, scoot or park and stride (needs to involve a 10-minute walk) to school at least once a week, they get rewarded with a monthly-collectable badge.

3. The results! On average, WOW schools see a 30% REDUCTION IN CAR JOURNEYS taken to the school gate and a 23% INCREASE IN WALKING RATES!


Updated: 2025 RS

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